Mall of America

I think the Mall of America in Minneapolis has been surpassed as the world’s biggest mall, but the fact that it once was is impressive enough. In the middle of it all is a theme park with rollercoasters and rides of all descriptions, which apparently gets many more visitors than Disneyland. There were indeed large groups of Asian tourists who likely came to tue USA just to visit the mall.

Marti and Erin cross the State Line into Mall of America.

The rides were mostly occupied by small children, who looked like they shouldn’t be closer than 50 feet to most of them.

Mystic Lake has a store promoting its casino and hotel at the Mall. It took me back to the days of Digital Plus…

There’s no logic like…

And after lunch, you can get married at the Mall..!

Entertainment at the Mall includes teen musical extravaganzas…

And also, a few rounds of the Midwest Robotics League, or MRL… robot cars pitted against each other in an enclosed ‘ring’ – from what I gathered the aim was to damage and upend the opponent. See videos page for an example of this.

You won’t believe it but we found… Frozen Custard!! Culver’s has a very similar machine to Caliche’s (see post ‘Oh my goodness…!!!’, April 2nd) and was very tasty, but not quite as good as the New Mexico frozen custard.

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